Test Fest – Remote collaboration at its best!

13 of our Excelsea developers came together in four teams to further strengthen the quality of our software Markee – completely remotely! At the first ever Test Fest, the focus was not only on writing new API and end-to-end tests, but also on sharing ideas and learning together.

Our goal: to optimise collaboration in remote teams, further extend our test framework and ensure that our software meets the highest quality standards. With around 20 new or revised test specifications, we have achieved just that!

Here is how it worked: We worked in teams of two, with experienced developers rotating between groups to resolve issues and share best practice. The focus was on learning from each other and developing solutions together – a true example of effective remote collaboration!

Why this is important: Solid test coverage means a more stable, reliable and even better user experience for our customers. For us, quality assurance is not a one-off activity, but an ongoing process – and Test Fest was an important step on that journey.

By the way: Test Fest is German for test party. The name says it all: we celebrate quality!